

Jesus all mighty, buying seasons just doesn't ever stop.
The minute you finish up summer orders and start to unpack, your onto winter orders!!
Is that too much to ask...

Anywho, winter next year is going to be pretty damn exciting.
None of your usual wooly jumpers and granny cardigans,
our stock is going to be (this is a hint)
++ out . of . this . world ++
Metalics, prints and alien space invaders will be playing a big role in our store theme.
Sounds weird?
Get fucking used to it homies cos that's how we roll,
each season will most likely get weirder & weirder, as we slowly push the boundaries more and more on what is acceptable  and whats not in Sydney's (mundane) fashion scene.
All you fashionable fucks prepare yourselves (& wallets!) 
shit getting craayyy
so over that word.

+Wearing: Religion dress, vintage fringe cape, nu+nan  shoes, 
Limited edition vertebrae neck piece from store favourite OS accessories.

Fuck me, wait till you see OS new collection!!
Here's a lil sneek peak to get you all excited

Dropping instore very soon my lovelies..




Did we mention were having a 
Next Thursday 4th of October 
@ our Sydney concept store.
Sign up to our mailing list on our facebook page and we'll send you an invite.

We basically just trying to find an excse to get all you fashionable fucks under one roof, to check out our newly renovated store, our pimpin new clothes & to meet y'all face to face and have dance off while drinking some Tiger Beer.
Just be prepared to get roofied.
just joking..
no im not..
yes i am..


                      +Wearing: I.d.s black tank, nu + nan pants, Solesociety Avery sandals,
Sofia Fitzpatrick bunny skull ring, Angle Diamond Dot Honesty rings, 
Vintage leather & chain harness.


Im so not a writer..
or a blogger in fact...
or anything that basically involves writing shit.
 I failed english hardcore at school, i can see why
i just don't have it in me.
How the fk do bloggers think of all these fancy useless words and facts to write about?
Do they sit on their lil free laptops
 (that some business has given them so they will blog about how cool said product is) 
and trawl through other blogs and see what the hot topic is
then decide they are important enough to write their opinions on it.
It's all cool and read worthy if each blogger wrote about something different
but when you see in your newsfeed  and every second person is doing a post on the latest bloody
Prada runway show.. then it kinda gets boring and 
groundhog day-esq.

This is why i blog about shit. useless day to day shit.
like what im wearing. Stuff about the store. General shit in life.

+Wearing: Glasson cheap as shit jeans, I.d.s parrot shirt, boots w/ sam elderman harness',
Angle Diamond Dot charmer tassel (or as we like to call it "the vajazzle dangler tassel").

+I.d.s & Angle Diamond Dot both available in store now+

On another note, 
all new summer arrivals are in store and 
to be online! 

So much rad shit coming your way... each week we'll be dropping a new piece of amazement.

A few things im hell excited on:
+BITCHING & JUNKFOOD myan headpiece- instore now

+BITCHING & JUNKFOOD Lala catsuit- instore now

+BOL$HIE platform sneakers- coming soon

+NVRMND yin & yan tote bags- coming soon

+M.Y.O.B egyptian eyes earrings- coming soon

+many more..



Well where the bloody hell have i been hey??
Wish i could say a tropical island with some hot piece of man hunk BUT that is far from the truth!

Instead for the past 4 days i have been a dirty ol mess, covered in paint, dirt, sweat head to toe 
doing new store renovations to freshen up the store for all our new summer clothes 
which have finally arrived!!!!!

We have gone for a more minimal look but still with our own fucked up twist..


+Wearing: Serpent & the swan mesh skirt, Bitching & Junkfood word crop, Alexandra Blak clear crusifix earring, Ms Fitz nose chain as an ear cuff.

All items now available in store (soon online)

What y'all think??!!?

Love it, hate it, RATE IT
