

[ Owner/ Buyer Sylvie, with Taco Belle. ]

Here at +ESTATE of MIND, we be going through a few changes



My style is forever changing, and with it so does my store.

Hitting my late 20's, i feel like i have all of a sudden grown the fuck up  matured, 
and even though i still want to offer cool unique labels (something i will always do),
 with our signature style, i want to shy away from that real OTT look and go for a more cool as fuck, street heavy, but more wearable style.

Lately I've drawn a lot of inspiration from renowned French Street Style photographer 
Nabile Quenum  from J'ai Perdu Ma Vest and others like Le 21eme, I'm Koo.
Trawling through his instagram account, i was finding myself going into a sort of Pandora's box, 
discovering all these different cool ass mutha fuckers, having no idea who the hell they were
(and still don't tbh..) and seeing this sort of relaxed version of what 
our typical +estateofmind style is. 
And i digged it. A lot.

So out with the old, in with the new! 

We have re-shot, re-designed and re-styled our online e-boutique to better suit our new look
so stay tuned!

[ sneak peek ]

And no I'm not going through a mid-life crisis cos I'm about to hit the big 3-0,
just simply evolving and improving my branding.

Lady Bo$$

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